
My journey as a teacher began two decades ago and has encompassed work in many subjects with students of all ages on multiple continents (and in multiple languages). For the past five years I have taught theater and writing at the university level. The samples below speak to that work.

Teaching Areas
Over the past several years at Hunter College I have taught
courses in the Humanities 201 program, Play Analysis, and Introduction to Theatre, and I have mentored students on projects as well as directing them in independent productions.
In theatre, I am prepared to lead Intro-level courses broadly (including in acting) as well as courses in Theatre History, Playwriting, Play Analysis, and Directing. In the past, I have lectured on and led workshops in Shakespeare, Chekhov, Brecht, documentary theatre, devised theatre methods, improvisation, and musical theatre. My dream class at the moment is a semester devoted entirely to Chekhov.

As a leader of the Explorations in the Arts course, I have had the
opportunity to design new syllabi each semester and to connect
students with artists and art disciplines they had never
encountered. In Fall 2020, for example, we studied documentary
theatre, experiments in documentary filmmaking, public monuments, installation and land art, and the work of Mexican muralists.

Because of my deep experience in theatre and film, I have most to offer students when teaching those arts, but I have found both joy and success in introducing students to dance, opera, and a wide array of visual art. The goal is to develop the students’ confidence in analyzing art and in communicating their experiences, regardless of the form.
